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Life must be lived and

enjoyed to the fullest,

because, at the end of the day,

we only die once,
and today is not that day


This page will share with its followers the manner in which I enjoy some of life's pleasures, especially good food. After all, food and sharing are inseparable ideas that help us promote friendship and camaraderie in the modern world, one in which we are often too busy living to work instead of working to live.

I hope you will follow along and share some of these delights as well. Celebrating Food & Eateries will be the vehicle, so please join me as I travel through the vast expanses of the culinary world and share some of my experiences.

I invite other travelers and writers to share their experiences as well. Hopefully, this page will be a valuable source of information and inspiration for those who, like me, appreciate good food and share this idea of living life to the fullest.

Welcome to Celebrating Food & Eateries,

my tribute to one of life's most important pleasures:

good food!

Celebrating Food & Eateries
A Culinary Journey


About Us

Hi there!

For quite some time, social media friends have suggested that I create a blog in which to share restaurant recommendations,  discuss food, wines, my travels and the restaurants and experiences I have. Well, after brushing off the idea for quite some time, I have decided to focus less on some of the passions to which I have devoted so much time on social media and put my time to better use on this endeavor, one that is very close to my heart--and I dare say, stomach! LOL

I’m very glad you’re here. I hope to see all of those friends who over the years have been the catalyst for this idea that is still in its infancy. Your support will be pivotal! Hopefully, Celebrating Food & Eateries, and the experiences shared here, will transmit the excitement that I feel about food, restaurants, and this project. I hope you enjoy my site!

Please come back often. New posts with restaurant, food, and wine recommendations are in the works. Publications

Our shop is now open. Drop by often to see new updates and offers.


Ideal places to visit and/or follow for recipes and presentations of food as art. Click on the links and see for yourself.



Culinary Art at its finest! Food so beautifully arranged that eating gives way to mesmerization. Be captured by the artistry and beauty of the foods presented on this page.


Full of Steak

For those who love steak, this is the page to follow:



A Comer

Peruvian food & recipes to savor and enjoy


Assorted Pumpkins
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